• 【11月13日】张金会教授学术报告 2024-11-08

    张金会:北京理工大学自动化学院教授、博士生导师,曾获2012年北京市优秀博士学位论文、2017年教育部自然科学:二等奖(排名第2 )等奖励与荣誉,入选国家“万人计划”青年拔尖人才。主持和参与多项国家自然科学基金项目、国家重点研发计划项目等。已在Spring...[详细]

  • 【11月11日】李磊教授学术报告 2024-11-07

    报告题目: Risk measure on vector lattices报 告 人:李磊教授,南开大学摘    要: Let X be a r.i. Banach function space and $\rho$ is a proper, convex increasing functional, we are interested in the interplay between law invariance and ord...[详细]

  • 【11月12日】李智强研究员学术报告 2024-11-07

    报告题目:Sullivan's dictionary and prime orbit theorems报告人:李智强 北京大学报告时间:2024-11-12 下午 16:00-17:00报告地点:数学楼301室报告内容简介:The classical theory of holomorphic dynamics includes the theory of Kleinian groups...[详细]

  • 【11月21日】王凯教授学术报告 2024-11-05

    报告题目: Recent progress in rigidity of determinantal point processes报 告 人:王凯教授,复旦大学摘    要: In this talk, we will survey some recent progress in the rigidity of determinantal point processes. This is joint work with Prof....[详细]

  • 【11月9日】朱彬教授学术报告 2024-11-04

    报告题目:Relations of the Grothendieck group of an extriangulated category主讲人:朱彬 教授(清华大学)摘要:The aim of this talk is to give a survey on the Butler-Auslander results on generators of the relation subgroups of the Grothen...[详细]

  • 【11月9日】汪正方学术报告 2024-11-04

    报告题目:Hochschild cohomology and deformations of graded gentle algebras主讲人:汪正方 副教授(南京大学)摘要:We give a complete description of Hochschild cohomology of graded gentle algebras. As an application, we show that deformati...[详细]

  • 【11月9日】周国栋教授学术报告 2024-11-04

    报告题目:The ‘minimal’ model of the operad of modified Rota-Baxter algebras主讲人:周国栋 教授(华东师范大学)摘要:We exhibit a quasi-free dg operad which is quasi-isomorphic to the modified RotaBaxter operad, but this dg operad is N...[详细]

  • 【11月9日】马天水教授学术报告 2024-11-04

    报告题目:Bialgebraic structures of Rota-Baxter type主讲人:马天水 教授(河南师范大学)摘要:We review the development of the theory of bialgebras of Rota-Baxter type. Then we investigate when Leibinz algebras are Nijenhuis. At last, we ...[详细]

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