主讲人:杨俊 教授
报告题目::Safety-Critical Control Under Disturbances: A Control Barrier Function Approach
报告摘要:Safety-critical control is significant for autonomous system applications where safety is an utmost concern. Control barrier function (CBF)-based control has shown its promising potential and power in delivering formal safe property of dynamic nonlinear systems. The presence of disturbances has negative effects on CBF-based control, leading to formal safety guarantee violations and degraded control performance. In this talk, we will introduce the background of safety-critical control, highlight the motivation why formal method is required, give a comprehensive tutorial on CBF-based control approaches, and elaborate the emerging methods on safety-critical disturbance rejection control and their applications to interactive robotics and autonomous cranes.
个人简介:杨俊,英国拉夫堡大学Reader,入选第四批国家万人计划青年拔尖人才计划,IEEE Fellow,lET Fellow,AAlA Fellow,英国工程与自然科学基金委员会(EPSRC)优秀青年基金(New Investigator Award)获得者。研究成果曾获日内瓦国际发明展金奖,英国工程技术学会(IET)和英国测量与控制协会(IMC)最佳论文奖,IEEE ICIT最佳理论论文奖等。现IEEE TIE, EEE TMECH,IEEE OJIES, URNC, TIMC,JCD等国际刊物的AE/TE/GE。研究专长: 抗干扰控制,运动控制,无人系统。