报告题目:Shift Capacity Planning for Nursing Staff in Emergency Department using Mixed Integer Programming
报告人:孟凡文,新加坡国立大学获得运筹学博士学位,目前在新加坡国立健保集团担任运筹优化专家及首席研究分析师。之前他曾在英国南安普敦大学和新加坡国立大学从事运作管理和优化研究工作。孟博士的研究方向包括医疗服务研究,医院资源分配调度管理,疾病预防和治疗决策, 非确定环境下的决策分析,鲁棒优化。孟博士目前担任Pacific Journal of Optimization期刊的副主编。他的一些研究成果发表在医学期刊比如Scientific Reports, Acta Diabetologica, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, Health Systems,以及Operations Research, Mathematics of Operations Research, SIAM Journal on Optimization, Mathematical Programming等运筹学顶级期刊.
摘要:Emergency department (ED) management is one of the most challenging fields in health care. In this study, we present a mathematical optimization model to determine shift scheduling and capacity planning policies for nursing staff in ED. Specifically, we develop a mixed integer programming model, where the objective is to minimize the mean deviation of overall workloads over different time intervals of a day from a practical perspective. Decision variables for shift capacity planning include the total number of major and minor shifts, shift working hours and nurse capacity for each shift. With ED patient administrative data of a hospital in Singapore, we derive optimal nurse staffing rules under different scenarios of nursing coverage requirements in ED. The obtained results could help hospital managers to plan the shifts of ED nursing staff.