题目: Dynamics of reaction-diffusion equations with time delay and free boundaries时间:2024年5月15日, 17:00—18:00地点:数学楼304摘要: We study the dynamics of a population with an age structure whose population range expands with time....[详细]
报告题目:Structured Deep Neural Networks-Based Backstepping Trajectory Tracking Control for Lagrangian Systems报告人:徐梁教授(上海大学)报告摘要:In this talk, a structured DNN-based controller is introduced for the trajectory trackin...[详细]
报告题目:中国剩余定理:我心目中的定理No.1报 告 人:林开亮博士(西北农林科技大学)报告摘要:每一个热爱数学的人,心目中都会有他最钟爱的定理。报告人将分享他的No.1:中国剩余定理。它不仅仅出现在初等数论中,在线性代数、抽象代数与密码学中也有...[详细]
题目:Boundary behavior of large solutions to two classes of nonlinear elliptic equations with nonlinear gradient terms时间:2024年5月13日, 8:00—9:00地点:数学楼304摘要:This talk is mainly concerned with boundary asymptotic behavior o...[详细]
报告题目:A new family of q-hypergeometric congruences from Andrews' multi-series transformation报告摘要:We deduce a new family of $q$-hypergeometric congruences modulo the fourth power of a cyclotomic polynomial from George Andrews' mu...[详细]
报告题目一:Recent Advances on Partial Differential Variational Inequalities报告人:刘振海教授单 位:广西民族大学数学与物理学院时 间:2024年4月12日(周五)上午8:00-11:00地 点:数学院三楼报告厅主 办:数学科学学院摘要:In this speech, we...[详细]
报告题目:The number of positive solutions for n-coupled elliptic systems报 告 人:刘兆理教授(首都师范大学)时 间:2024年4月11日 下午16:00-17:30地 点:数学院305报告摘要:We study the number of positive solutions to the $n$-couple...[详细]