• 【5月15日】陈思彤副教授讲座 2022-05-07

    报告题目:Planar Kirchhoff-type elliptic problems with critical exponential growth主 讲 人:陈思彤副教授(中南大学)报告时间:5月15日(周日),9:40-10:40报告地点:腾讯会议 ID:648-632-139主办单位:数学科学学院报告摘要:In this talk, we...[详细]

  • 【5月15日】唐先华教授讲座 2022-05-05

    报告题目:平面上具临界指数增长的Hamilton系统主 讲 人:唐先华教授(中南大学)报告时间:5月15日(周日),8:30-9:30报告地点:腾讯会议 ID:648-632-139主办单位:数学科学学院报告摘要:主要介绍平面上具临界指数增长的Hamilton系统非平凡解和基态...[详细]

  • 【5月4日】娄本东教授学术报告 2022-05-03

    题目:Propagation in Mean Curvature Flow Equations  I报告人:娄本东(上海师范大学)摘要:In this talk we first introduce some background of the mean curvature flows in material science, physiology, chemistry and geometric analysis. Then,...[详细]

  • 【5月5日】刘婷博士学术报告 2022-05-03

    报告题目:Non-degeneracy and new existence of bubble solutions for the Hénon-type equation with critical growth  主讲人:刘婷博士(清华大学)  报告时间:5月5日(周四)10:00-11:00  报告地点:腾讯会议 ID: 752-424-076  主办单位:数学科学学...[详细]

  • 【5月13日】周海燕教授学术报告 2022-04-29

    报告题目:Romanoff's theorem for polynomials over finite fields revisited报告摘要:Let g be a given polynomial of positive degree over a finite field. Shparlinski and Weingartner proved that the proportion of monic polynomials of degree ...[详细]

  • 【5月11日】 王毅教授学术报告 2022-04-29

    报告题目:Positivity and log-convexity problems of three-term recurrence sequences报告摘要:We first present some criteria for the positivity and log-convexity of three-term recurrence sequences, and then apply them to Apery-like numbers...[详细]

  • 【5月11日】高维东教授学术报告 2022-04-29

    报告题目:Zero-sum problems on finite abelian groups with large exponents报告摘要:Let G be a finite abelian group with a larger exponent exp(G) compare to, and let k be a positive integer. In this talk, we will present some recent struc...[详细]

  • 【5月6日】王国亮教授学术报告 2022-04-29

    报告题目:The (e)-positivity of two kinds of claw-free graphs报告摘要:This talk continues our work on Stanley and Stembridge's 3+1 conjecture - the chromatic symmetric function of every claw-free interval graph is e-positive. We focus o...[详细]

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